What are my recourses toward the homophobia I experience at work?

Discrimination and harassment based on sexual orientation are characterized as homophobia and refer to specific legal concepts enshrined in both Canadian and provincial legislation. Since June 1, 2004, Quebec has introduced legislation to combat psychological harassment in the workplace. The Quebec Labour Standards Act provides a remedy in cases of psychological harassment for any employee, whether unionized, non-unionized or senior executive.

Similarly, if you are a victim of homophobia in the workplace, you have rights, regardless of your level of hierarchy in the company. However, the designated place to pursue your action varies by sector of our workplace, whether public or private, whether you are a unionized or non-unionized employee.

-Non-unionized salary subject to the Labour Standards Act, including senior managers: Labour Standards Commission Information Service Montreal Region: 514-873-7061 Elsewhere in Quebec, toll-free: 1,800-265-1414 www.cnt.gouv.qc.ca

-Unionized salary: union of which the employee is a member

-Employee of the public service not governed by a collective agreement, including members and heads of organizations : Public Service Commission: 418-643-1425 Elsewhere in Quebec, toll-free: 1-800-432-0432

For your rights, you can also contact the Human Rights and Youth Rights Commission www.cdpdj.qc.ca or 1-800-361-6477. In addition, the website www.homophobie.org created on the initiative of the Emergence Foundation, contains very relevant information about homophobia in general.



What are my recourses toward the homophobia I experience at work?

Discrimination and harassment based on sexual orientation are characterized as homophobia and refer to specific legal concepts enshrined in both Canadian and provincial legislation. Since June 1, 2004, Quebec has introduced legislation to combat psychological harassment in the workplace. The Quebec Labour Standards Act provides a remedy in cases of psychological harassment for any employee, whether unionized, non-unionized or senior executive.

Similarly, if you are a victim of homophobia in the workplace, you have rights, regardless of your level of hierarchy in the company. However, the designated place to pursue your action varies by sector of our workplace, whether public or private, whether you are a unionized or non-unionized employee.

-Non-unionized salary subject to the Labour Standards Act, including senior managers: Labour Standards Commission Information Service Montreal Region: 514-873-7061 Elsewhere in Quebec, toll-free: 1,800-265-1414 www.cnt.gouv.qc.ca

-Unionized salary: union of which the employee is a member

-Employee of the public service not governed by a collective agreement, including members and heads of organizations : Public Service Commission: 418-643-1425 Elsewhere in Quebec, toll-free: 1-800-432-0432

For your rights, you can also contact the Human Rights and Youth Rights Commission www.cdpdj.qc.ca or 1-800-361-6477. In addition, the website www.homophobie.org created on the initiative of the Emergence Foundation, contains very relevant information about homophobia in general.

