BU LGBTTQ* Collective

Personnes autochtones · Personnes bisexuelles et pansexuelles · Personnes bispirutuelles · Personnes gaies · Personnes intersexes · Personnes lesbiennes · Personnes trans et non-binaires

The BU LGBTTQ* (Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transgender, Two Spirit, Questioning) Collective’s aim-regardless of your sexual orientation- is to establish spaces on campus, where queer, trans and 2Spirit bodies can thrive as healthy, equal, and complete members of Brandon University and the broader Westman community. This Collective provides a positive platform where queer folks can: educate the public about our culture, our place in society, current issues of our concern, promote safety, personal growth, mutual respect and pride for the queer, trans and 2Spirit community.