Why donate to Interligne?
Interligne is a front-line organization which, through its listening, intervention and awareness-raising services, contributes to the well-being of people affected by sexual and gender diversity. Given the historical underfunding of the LGBTQ+ community, the stability of our staff and activities depends largely on the generosity of those who get involved with us as volunteers, donors or partners.

By helping Interligne, you’re supporting a cause that’s still very much alive. Although progress has been made in recent years, LGBTQ+ people continue to suffer discrimination, harassment and violence in a variety of forms: difficulties of access in several spheres (e.g. employment, housing, social and health services, etc.), LGBTQphobic insults or jokes, unacknowledged disclosure of their sexual orientation or trans journey, physical or sexual assaults, and so on. These negative everyday experiences have significant consequences for the mental, physical and sexual health of LGBTQ+ people, and can become major obstacles to their fulfillment.
Become a volunteer
Volunteer opportunities at Interligne are as diverse as our skills and interests. Are you a good listener? Do you particularly enjoy administrative tasks, event organization or language revision? All possibilities are open! See the following tabs to find out more.
The role of volunteers
Empathic listening or active listening enables the caller to develop their own self-understanding. This kind of listening is the foundation of Interligne’s support services. The caller receives special attention, and is welcomed in what he or she is experiencing, as he or she is in the present moment. She needs to feel comfortable expressing herself and sharing a moment of her life. This exchange will be a privileged way for her to better understand herself.
Listening with empathy is an active process. Hearing what the person is saying is not enough. While having the ability to disengage emotionally, the listener will be able to understand and feel the situation the callers want to share and how they are experiencing it. She is always present, warm, focused on the caller, ready to welcome him or her without reference to her own way of seeing things. The use of appropriate techniques facilitates expression and always brings the conversation back to the caller’s concerns. The listener is therefore attentive to facts, but also to feelings and emotions. Finally, she refrains from giving advice or making value judgments, whatever the situation or issue raised by the people who call on our services. This approach is governed by a code of ethics and professional conduct.
Private texting and chatting
Our services are also available by text message and private chat. These platforms enable people who don’t like or feel comfortable talking on the phone to talk to the Interligne intervention team in a different way.
Training program
Twice a year, Interligne offers a training program designed for volunteers. Adapted to LGBTQ+ realities and developed by specialists in the helping relationship, Interligne’s training program is inspired by the teaching methods used by other listening centers. These methods strike the right balance between real-life situations and technical and theoretical explanations.
At the end of the training course, a period of mentoring completes the assessment of volunteers in training. An ongoing training program also ensures that volunteers’ skills and knowledge are kept up to date.
How to apply
Selection process
Anyone wishing to volunteer as a listener at Interligne must first complete the application form and send in their curriculum vitae. Our team will then invite those who meet the eligibility requirements to a selection interview. Those selected after the interview will then have to follow the training and coaching program. Only at the end of this process can they become listening volunteers.
Skills for the helping relationship
Ideally, the people we’re looking for are already skilled at helping others in a telephone listening environment. However, the training program and support period enables them to make the most of their potential and skills.
Eligibility criteria
- Subscribe to the organization’s values.
- Assuming your sexual orientation or gender identity.
- Must be at least 21 years old.
- Have a level of education equivalent to 13 years or more.
- Fluency in French and English, both spoken and written (an asset).
- Agree to abide by Interligne’s code of ethics.
- Travel to our listening center in Montreal.
- Provide at least three shifts (day or evening) of volunteer work per month, including the first Friday evening of each month.
- Complete the entire training and coaching program and obtain the certificate of attestation at the end of the program.
- Commitment to provide services for a period of at least 18 months.
Telephone twinning is an exceptional service, initiated during the COVID-19 crisis, which aims to break the isolation experienced by LGBTQ+ people aged 60 and over. Volunteering for this service means phoning a senior citizen between 1 and 3 times a week, to check up on them, talk about anything and everything, but above all, to offer a presence to people suffering from loneliness. Each twinning takes place over a period of one month, to enable both parties involved to develop a deeper relationship.
To register
Registration by phone 1-888-505-1010
or by accessing our online form.
Seniors can apply for themselves, but it’s also possible to apply for someone else.
Feel free to share the service with anyone who might need it, or in your social networks. Let’s not forget that isolated people are very often invisible, and that it’s everyone together who really supports each other.
Committees are teams of volunteers working together on a common project, usually for one year. Members are called upon to contribute their expertise to the organization and implementation of various projects. Tasks are highly diversified and vary according to the committee’s mandate.
Here is a brief description of the various committees.
Financing Committee
The Fundraising Committee works with the General Manager and the Director of Philanthropic Development to develop ways of raising funds to support and develop our services. We’re looking for innovative volunteers who are committed to the LGBTQ+ cause and human rights. We’re also looking for business people who have a good network of contacts, or who are interested in canvassing.
La Grande Démesure event organization
Every year in October, Interligne organizes a fundraising event called La Grande Démesure. To ensure the smooth running of the organization, Interligne is looking for people willing to get involved on a long-term basis. The Grande Démesure committee works in collaboration with the philanthropic development director to plan, organize and ensure the smooth running of the evening.
Among other things, committee members will :
- Identify and solicit partners for the event;
- Contribute to the event’s visibility (communications, sponsorships, logistics);
- Participate in monthly meetings ;
- Participate in the event.
English-language service
The English-language services committee supports the organization in its efforts to offer bilingual service and better reach out to non-French-speaking communities. The committee makes recommendations on the organization’s internal practices and provides support for recruitment, training and networking. We welcome volunteers who are committed to linguistic diversity and have training or experience in teaching English as a second language, translation, comparative editing or language issues.
Communication Committee
The Communications Committee collaborates with the Director of Philanthropic Development and Communications and the Communications Coordinator on the organization’s messaging. Volunteers on this committee lend a hand with projects ranging from graphic design and web writing to social networking content management and editing. Social networkers, seasoned writers, creative polyglots and Photoshop pros are all welcome!
Some of the tasks in which event volunteers could be involved :
- Photography
- Service
- Sound and light
- Help with food preparation
- Reception, checkroom, food service
- Room decoration and placement
- Security
- Preparation of postal envelopes
- Any other requirements depending on the event
All you have to do is join the list to receive volunteer opportunities for specific events.
Administrative support
- Data entry
- Accounting
- Postal consignments
- Document filing
Communications support
- Graphic design*
- Translation
- Proofreading* texts
- Photography
- Web programming
- WordPress* support
- Photoshop* support
- Content search
- Research on LGBTQ+* issues
*These implications can be done remotely and do not require you to live in Montreal.
Interligne is currently looking for volunteers to co-host kiosks. The people in charge of the kiosks will be called upon to travel to a variety of events, including symposiums, festivals, fairs, school information days and open days of all kinds. Their role will mainly consist of manning booths, presenting the organization, explaining the various services offered by Interligne, and demystifying LGBTQ+ realities, depending on the event in which they are participating.
- Addressing the concerns of the young (and not so young)
- Set up booths at various locations and events
- Distribution of awareness-raising material
- Represent Interline
- Provide suggestions for the development of awareness-raising tools and materials
- Help spread the word about our kiosk services across the province
Who we are looking for
- Strong interest in LGBTQ+ realities
- Good knowledge of sexual and gender diversity issues
- Interest in youth work
- Facilitate public speaking
- Share the organization’s values of inclusion and respect
Please note that booth volunteers will be offered a one-day training session on facilitation, active listening and LGBTQ+ realities.
Do you have animation talent? Do LGBTQ+ realities appeal to you and do you enjoy working with young people? Interligne is looking for people like you! Submit your application.