Réseau de la santé sexuelle des sourds du Québec

Personnes bisexuelles et pansexuelles · Personnes en situation d'itinérance · Personnes en situation de handicap · Personnes gaies · Personnes lesbiennes · Personnes trans et non-binaires · Personnes utilisatrices de drogues · Personnes vivan avec le VIH/SIDA

The mission of the Réseau de la Santé Sexuelle des Sourds du Québec is twofold: Inform and warn the deaf and hard of hearing community in Quebec against the risks of contracting HIV / AIDS and STBBIs (sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections). Provide services and activities to deaf and hard of hearing people with HIV / AIDS and STBBI, LGBTQ +, who are addicted and homeless. Respect for the deaf person in his culture, his own language and his development, such is the basic value which guides his action.