Seniors’ corner
Are you over 60? Do you have questions about your sexual orientation or gender identity? Would you like to get in touch with a member of our intervention team or simply chat with one of our volunteers? Explore our programs here!
Want to stay on top of the latest news about our various programs for LGBTQ+ seniors? Fill in
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to subscribe to our special newsletter for this area.
A questionnaire on the community service needs of LGBTQ+ seniors
Interligne wants to reach more LGBTQ+ seniors and offer programs that truly reflect their realities and needs.
In this questionnaire, LGBTQ+ seniors in Quebec are invited to express themselves about their experiences of participation and social involvement, and the services they feel are lacking or insufficient in their region.

Intergenerational correspondence
Trait d’union: LGBTQ+ intergenerational correspondence is a project that invites young and older LGBTQ+ people in Quebec to engage in an exchange of handwritten letters. By fostering mutual understanding between two generations, the project aims to help break the cycle of social isolation.

The Trait d’union collection : LGBTQ+ intergenerational correspondence
To perpetuate many of the letters exchanged in the first year of the Trait d’union program, a collection of the same name was published in 2022.
Download the digital collection free of charge or order the print version for $25 from our online store.

Our resources for seniors
Social isolation of seniors: A focus on LGBTQ seniors in Canada
Employment and Social Development Canada (2018)
Les pratiques sociales à domicile auprès des aînés gais : entre divulgation et dissimulation de l’identité homosexuelle
Samuel Auger, Université de Montréal, (2015) In french only
Guide d’information : Assurer la bientraitance des personnes aînées lesbiennes, gaies, bisexuelles et trans
Fondation Émergence, (2018) In french only
Aînés LGBT: pour éviter un retour dans le placard