Le Répertoire

Lieux et ressources lgbtq+

Le Répertoire d’Interligne regroupe des lieux et des ressources de partout au Canada qui offrent aux personnes LGBTQ+ un accueil sécuritaire et des services adaptés à leurs besoins. Toute personne est invitée à noter et commenter les lieux déjà visités ou les ressources déjà utilisées. Pour manifester votre soutien envers nos communautés, inscrivez-vous au Répertoire!

Lieux et ressources lgbtq+

Le Répertoire d’Interligne regroupe des lieux et des ressources de partout au Canada qui offrent aux personnes LGBTQ+ un accueil sécuritaire et des services adaptés à leurs besoins. Toute personne est invitée à noter et commenter les lieux déjà visités ou les ressources déjà utilisées. Pour manifester votre soutien envers nos communautés, inscrivez-vous au Répertoire!

Lieux et ressources lgbtq+

Le Répertoire d’Interligne regroupe des lieux et des ressources de partout au Canada qui offrent aux personnes LGBTQ+ un accueil sécuritaire et des services adaptés à leurs besoins. Toute personne est invitée à noter et commenter les lieux déjà visités ou les ressources déjà utilisées. Pour manifester votre soutien envers nos communautés, inscrivez-vous au Répertoire!


Positive Space Network

The Positive Space Network builds community and creates safer spaces for 2SLGBTQ+ youth ages 6-24 in Halton Region by creating youth-focused programming, providing mental health support and cultivating community partnerships. We are actively working towards a future in which diverse 2SLGBTQ+ youth, individuals and families live in a welcoming and supportive world.

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Pride at Work Canada

Fierté au travail Canada appuie les organismes employeurs qui désirent établir des milieux de travail qui célèbrent leurs membres peu importe leur expression de genre, leur identité de genre ou leur orientation sexuelle.

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Pride Centre of Edmonton

The Pride Centre of Edmonton provides a non-judgmental, welcoming space where people of all attractions, identities, and expressions can be themselves, find support, meet new people, and be part of a caring community. The Centre offers resources, education, volunteer opportunities, counselling, and sensitive and expert information and referrals for those seeking help. The Centre also organizes programs to help improve the social, mental, and physical health of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.

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Pride Education Network

Pride Education Network advocates for an inclusive, respectful environment for all students, staff and families, regardless of their actual or perceived sexual orientation and/or gender identity, within all B.C. educational institutions, through the development of concrete supports, policies, resources and actions.

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Pride Health

PrideHealth works to improve access to health services wich are safe, coordinated, comprehensive, and culturally appropriate for people who are two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual (members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community). The prideHealth navigator works with individuals and groups to help members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. Also, prideHealth operates in Mi'kma'ki, the traditional and unceded territory of Mi'kmaq. We are all treaty people.

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Pride PEI

Most people are aware of Pride PEI as the organization behind the annual Pride Parade and Festival. Though these events are a crucial part of what we do, Pride PEI is also a resource for the Island’s queer community. Tracing our beginnings back to ARC, we have been an organizational leader in diversity and inclusion for over 25 years. We work to educate and advocate on behalf of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, and we organize social opportunities when possible. We also endeavour to bring our events and initiatives to various locations across Prince Edward Island.

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Pride Winnipeg

Le festival Pride Winnipeg se déroule chaque année et consiste en une série d'événements culturels qui célèbrent la communauté incroyablement diversifiée qui soutient ou s'identifie à la communauté GSRD (genre, Sexualité, et Relations Diverses).

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Prideline BC

Peer support, information and referrals for anyone in BC.

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Prince Albert Pride

Prince Albert Pride provides support and events for the gender and sexual diverse community and our allies.

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Prism provides workshops and training for healthcare and social service providers, students and service users on inclusion, diversity and promoting health and wellness for the LGBT2Q+ communities. Prism refers individuals to LGBT2Q+ groups, counselling, resource information and services in the community. We also support staff at Vancouver Coastal Health to increase skills and knowledge in working with members of LGBT2Q+ populations through training, networking and clinical supervision.

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