Are there shelters for LGBTQ+ people who live or are at risk of living in a situation of homelessness? Are there some that are more specifically for youth?
There is no shelter exclusively for LGBTQ+ people who are homeless in Quebec. In Ontario, YMCA’s Sprott House in Toronto, the first shelter for LGBTQ2S youth, has been open since 2015.
However, in Quebec, there is a range of short-, medium- and long-term emergency resources for homeless or at-risk youth. Their missions and clientele are varied. Indeed, there are hostels for minors, adults, women, men or even mixed. But under no circumstances are the admission criteria based on the person’s sexual orientation. Rather, they are based on the person’s willingness and ability to improve or change their homelessness. On the other hand, each shelter could take an approach to better integrate a lesbian or trans person (for example) with the rest of the group.
While there is no clear policy to protect LGBTQ youth in shelters or shelters in Quebec, some places are recognized by the community as inclusive.
Accommodation and Integration Resource for Young Women in Need aged 18 to 30
C.P. 1414, Desjardins Branch, Montreal, Que., H5B 1H3
Le Bunker
1 514-524-0029
A mixed emergency shelter, 17 young people between the ages of 12 and 21.
Dans la Rue Offices – 533 Ontario Street East, Office 450
Elsewhere in Quebec:
Auberges du Coeur
Helping Homeless Youth out of the wander.
Toronto :
YMCA Sprott House
Héberge les jeunes LGBTQ2S en difficultés âgés entre 16 et 24 ans.
21 Walmer Road ,Toronto, ON, M5R 2W7
Are there shelters for LGBTQ+ people who live or are at risk of living in a situation of homelessness? Are there some that are more specifically for youth?
There is no shelter exclusively for LGBTQ+ people who are homeless in Quebec. In Ontario, YMCA’s Sprott House in Toronto, the first shelter for LGBTQ2S youth, has been open since 2015.
However, in Quebec, there is a range of short-, medium- and long-term emergency resources for homeless or at-risk youth. Their missions and clientele are varied. Indeed, there are hostels for minors, adults, women, men or even mixed. But under no circumstances are the admission criteria based on the person’s sexual orientation. Rather, they are based on the person’s willingness and ability to improve or change their homelessness. On the other hand, each shelter could take an approach to better integrate a lesbian or trans person (for example) with the rest of the group.
While there is no clear policy to protect LGBTQ youth in shelters or shelters in Quebec, some places are recognized by the community as inclusive.
Accommodation and Integration Resource for Young Women in Need aged 18 to 30
C.P. 1414, Desjardins Branch, Montreal, Que., H5B 1H3
Le Bunker
1 514-524-0029
A mixed emergency shelter, 17 young people between the ages of 12 and 21.
Dans la Rue Offices – 533 Ontario Street East, Office 450
Elsewhere in Quebec:
Auberges du Coeur
Helping Homeless Youth out of the wander.
Toronto :
YMCA Sprott House
Héberge les jeunes LGBTQ2S en difficultés âgés entre 16 et 24 ans.
21 Walmer Road ,Toronto, ON, M5R 2W7