
L’Euguélionne (pronounced ler-gay-lee-onn – you can think of a gay lion, even though it’s not what it means 😉 ) is a feminist bookstore and non-profit solidarity co-op in Montreal, also known as Tiohtià:ké, on unceded Mohawk and Algonquin territory. We offer a large selection of new and used books, zines and print art. The bookstore specializes in women*’s literature (fiction, poetry, comic books, essays, young adult fiction and children’s books) and feminist, queer, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans,intersex, asexual and non-binary, two-spirited, anti-racist, anti-colonial works, etc. We also host diverse literary feminist events including launches, reading circles, talks, workshops and round table discussions.

1426 Rue Beaudry
Montréal Quebec
H2L 3E5

514 522-4949