Le Répertoire

Lieux et ressources lgbtq+

Le Répertoire d’Interligne regroupe des lieux et des ressources de partout au Canada qui offrent aux personnes LGBTQ+ un accueil sécuritaire et des services adaptés à leurs besoins. Toute personne est invitée à noter et commenter les lieux déjà visités ou les ressources déjà utilisées. Pour manifester votre soutien envers nos communautés, inscrivez-vous au Répertoire!

Lieux et ressources lgbtq+

Le Répertoire d’Interligne regroupe des lieux et des ressources de partout au Canada qui offrent aux personnes LGBTQ+ un accueil sécuritaire et des services adaptés à leurs besoins. Toute personne est invitée à noter et commenter les lieux déjà visités ou les ressources déjà utilisées. Pour manifester votre soutien envers nos communautés, inscrivez-vous au Répertoire!

Lieux et ressources lgbtq+

Le Répertoire d’Interligne regroupe des lieux et des ressources de partout au Canada qui offrent aux personnes LGBTQ+ un accueil sécuritaire et des services adaptés à leurs besoins. Toute personne est invitée à noter et commenter les lieux déjà visités ou les ressources déjà utilisées. Pour manifester votre soutien envers nos communautés, inscrivez-vous au Répertoire!


Queer Events

Committed to working towards a strong, welcoming & accessible LGBT2Q+ community. Create opportunities to connect through our events, programs & initiatives.

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Queer Heritage Initiative of New Brunswick

QHINB-IPQNB is an archival research initiative that aims to collect and preserve 2LBGTQ+ content and provides opportunities for public education throughout the province.

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Queer Mcgill

QM is a student-led service run by queer students for queer students, non-students in the Montreal area, and allies. Our space and resources are open to all, so long as everyone maintains our Safer Space policy. We are committed to confidentiality; we will never ask anyone to disclose any information they are not comfortable with, and nothing that is said in our office leaves our office except in the case of a serious breach of our Safer Space policy.

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Queer Ontario

Queer Ontario is a provincial network of gender and sexually diverse individuals — and their allies — who are committed to questioning, challenging, and reforming the laws, institutional practices, and social norms that regulate queer people. Operating under liberationist and sex-positive principles, we fight for accessibility, recognition, and pluralism, using social media and other tactics to engage in political action, public education, and coalition-building.

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Queer West

A place to find out about hot events: djs, bar nights, clubs, musicians, arts and culture, openings, venues. We sometimes alert you to events a little further away.

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Queer Yeg

Serving Edmonton's LGBTQ+ community and its supporters by providing a directory of businesses and organizations that are welcoming of all sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions.

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Queer Yukon Society

​Queer Yukon Society supports, promotes, and organizes events for the 2SLGBTQIA+ community and our allies in Whitehorse, Yukon. Officially incorporated in 2018, Queer Yukon has been organizing Yukon Pride since 2013, as well as many other events to bring together 2SLGBTQIA+ and allied Yukoners to build a strong and vibrant community.

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Queering Parenthood

We are a team of LGBTQ and ally researchers who want to share some of our findings with our communities. This website is for families, service providers, and researchers who care for LGBTQ people and who want to support them. We made this website because we wanted to share useful information with you!

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Raibow Health Ontario

A program of Sherbourne Health, Rainbow Health Ontario (RHO) creates opportunities for the healthcare system to better serve LGBT2SQ communities. For example, we: promote better LGBT2SQ health outcomes by improving access to relevant and appropriate care; offer training for healthcare providers across the province to feel more clinically and culturally competent in caring for their LGBT2SQ service users; produce evidence-based print and web resources; act as a research catalyst and contribute an LGBT2SQ health perspective to public policy processes; and host Canada’s largest LGBT2SQ health conference.

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Rainbow Alliance for Youth of Edmonton

We are an inter-agency committee serving LGBTQ2S+ youth & promoting increased understanding, empathy, and knowledge

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