Lieux et ressources lgbtq+
Le Répertoire d’Interligne regroupe des lieux et des ressources de partout au Canada qui offrent aux personnes LGBTQ+ un accueil sécuritaire et des services adaptés à leurs besoins. Toute personne est invitée à noter et commenter les lieux déjà visités ou les ressources déjà utilisées. Pour manifester votre soutien envers nos communautés, inscrivez-vous au Répertoire!
Lieux et ressources lgbtq+
Le Répertoire d’Interligne regroupe des lieux et des ressources de partout au Canada qui offrent aux personnes LGBTQ+ un accueil sécuritaire et des services adaptés à leurs besoins. Toute personne est invitée à noter et commenter les lieux déjà visités ou les ressources déjà utilisées. Pour manifester votre soutien envers nos communautés, inscrivez-vous au Répertoire!
Lieux et ressources lgbtq+
Le Répertoire d’Interligne regroupe des lieux et des ressources de partout au Canada qui offrent aux personnes LGBTQ+ un accueil sécuritaire et des services adaptés à leurs besoins. Toute personne est invitée à noter et commenter les lieux déjà visités ou les ressources déjà utilisées. Pour manifester votre soutien envers nos communautés, inscrivez-vous au Répertoire!
School Street House
School Street (Walthen Drive) is located in the heart of Canada's cradle of confederation, the historic city of Charlottetown.Come stay at School Street House, a historic three bedroom holiday home that feels just like your favourite Aunt’s place! Having a house all to yourself is perfect for folks who prefer their own special spot.
Score on Davie
Gay friendly Pub.
Seaway Valley Community Centre
We provide a wide range of health and wellness services and programs to families and individual who live in the communities we serve. We deliver care in many ways: one-on-one, personal development groups and community initiatives. Services are offered in English; however, cultural interpretation is available. We believe that our collective efforts and partnerships with key agencies contributes to improving both individual and community health by identifying and addressing underlying conditions. We pay special attention to vulnerable groups including older adults, individuals and families living with low-incomes and newcomers to Canada, as well as those without access to primary health care services.
Senior Care Prism
Senior Care Prism is a collaborative non-profit agency. Experts in diversity and inclusion, sharing strategies & bestpractices from across Canada. We transform aging communities into inclusive communities of care.
SEQUYN: The Sex Education Queer Youth Need
SEQuYN (Sex Education Queer Youth Need) is an ever-evolving website created to fill the gaps in mainstream public sex education. We created this site with a sex-positive, queer-centered focus, for queer and trans youth and their educators in New Brunswick.
Sex & U takes a real-life approach to the questions and issues around sex and sexuality that matter most to Canadians. From talking about sex, to lifestyle choices, to contraception awareness and sexually transmitted infections, provides accurate, credible, and up-to-date information and education on topics related to sexual and reproductive health.
Sex Workers’ Action Program of Hamilton
The Sex Workers’ Action Program of Hamilton is a non-partisan group consisting of concerned individuals —including those with lived experience— agencies, and groups committed to assisting and supporting those working in the sex trade industry.
Sexual & Gender Diversity Office
The Sexual & Gender Diversity Office (SGDO) at the University of Toronto is an office for students, staff and faculty to work around issues of sexual and gender equity through programming, training and resources. The SGDO works across all three campuses supporting, student, staff and faculty initiatives, including the Positive Space Committees.
Sexual Health Nova Scotia
Sexual Health Nova Scotia (SHNS) represents the provincial network of community-based sexual health centres. We work together to champion positive sexual health throughout the lifespan for all in Nova Scotia. Our member-centres offer services and programs such as: support and guidance for anyone with questions/concerns about sexual health, free or low-cost safer sex supplies, referrals and help navigating the health care system, educational programs in the community, such as sexual health presentations...
Sexual Violence New Brunswick
Notre mission : Fournir de l’information, du soutien et des conseils aux personnes touchées par la violence sexuelle (agression sexuelle, harcèlement sexuel, abus sexuels subis dans l’enfance, inceste) et la violence dans les fréquentations. S’efforcer d’éliminer la violence sexuelle.