Inclusion goes to work

Équifierté is a training and coaching program for the inclusion of LGBTQ+ people in the workplace. The course is suitable for all professional backgrounds and can be customized to meet individual needs. Équifierté is an opportunity for your organization to demonstrate its commitment to inclusion and diversity.

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Climate assessment





Our assessment tool enables you to make a company-specific assessment of the inclusion of LGBTQ+ people in your organization. It also takes into account staff members’ confidential perceptions of these workplace issues. This step gives us the opportunity to understand where your organization stands, so that we can offer you recommendations and support tailored to your reality.

Training courses

Interligne’s intervention team has designed a training course to help your staff develop inclusive reflexes.

Our training courses

  • 1 h 30 courses

  • According to your schedule

  • By videoconference or in person

  • Pre/post-training ideas

  • Exercises

  • Further resources

inclusion goes to work

“Organizational diagnosis is a powerful awareness-raising tool and a decision gas pedal for management.”

Jean Elsliger,
Director of Student Services,
HEC Montréal

Further information

  • Guide sur les droits des personnes face à l’homophobie en milieu de travail

    Gouvernement du Québec, Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST), Ministère du Travail, de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale, (2016) In french only

  • L’inclusion LGBT en PME, des vidéos pour sensibiliser les entreprises

    Chambre de commerce LGBT du Québec, (2020) In french only

  • Homosexualité et milieu de travail

    Sondage Léger Marketing, (2006) In french only

  • Guide sur les droits des personnes face à l’homophobie en milieu de travail

    CNESST. (2016) In french only

  • Gais et lesbiennes en milieu de travail

    Chamberland, L. (2007) In french only

  • Gais et lesbiennes en milieu de travail

    Chamberland, L. (2007) In french only