Lieux et ressources lgbtq+
Le Répertoire d’Interligne regroupe des lieux et des ressources de partout au Canada qui offrent aux personnes LGBTQ+ un accueil sécuritaire et des services adaptés à leurs besoins. Toute personne est invitée à noter et commenter les lieux déjà visités ou les ressources déjà utilisées. Pour manifester votre soutien envers nos communautés, inscrivez-vous au Répertoire!
Lieux et ressources lgbtq+
Le Répertoire d’Interligne regroupe des lieux et des ressources de partout au Canada qui offrent aux personnes LGBTQ+ un accueil sécuritaire et des services adaptés à leurs besoins. Toute personne est invitée à noter et commenter les lieux déjà visités ou les ressources déjà utilisées. Pour manifester votre soutien envers nos communautés, inscrivez-vous au Répertoire!
Lieux et ressources lgbtq+
Le Répertoire d’Interligne regroupe des lieux et des ressources de partout au Canada qui offrent aux personnes LGBTQ+ un accueil sécuritaire et des services adaptés à leurs besoins. Toute personne est invitée à noter et commenter les lieux déjà visités ou les ressources déjà utilisées. Pour manifester votre soutien envers nos communautés, inscrivez-vous au Répertoire!
TransAction Victoria
TransAction is a local collective of activists, advocating for the rights of, and striving to create community with and for Trans and Gender-Variant people in the Greater Victoria Area, Coast Salish Territories, through direct action, awareness raising activities and the ongoing project of creating safer spaces.
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Le Groupe d’action trans de l’Université de Montréal, GATUM, est un regroupement pour les personnes trans du campus de l’UdeM.
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Transparent Okanagan
TransParent is a non-profit organization developed by and for parents and caregivers of trans, gender diverse, and two-spirit people in Kelowna and the Okanagan.
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TransSask Support Services
TransSask Support Services is a province wide non-profit organization that supports and acts as a resource network for trans-identified, genderqueer, intersex and gender non-conforming individuals, their spouses, family, friends, and allies.
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Tri County Women’s Centre
We believe that women’s economic and social independence is central to women’s equality. To that end, we work with all people to achieve an equitable and equal world for women and their families. TCWC has two mandates: direct service and social change. We offer women and girls in the Tri Counties supportive counseling, referrals, information, advocacy, and programs on a wide range of issues. The main focus of our programs is personal empowerment, sexual violence interventions and women’s economic independence. We work to create social change by responding to public policy as it pertains to women’s equality. We work to unite women, community and government to achieve equality for women. We use the community development model and work with other community partners to address gaps in services for women and girls.
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Tri County Women’s Centre
We believe that women’s economic and social independence is central to women’s equality. To that end, we work with all people to achieve an equitable and equal world for women and their families. TCWC has two mandates: direct service and social change. We offer women and girls in the Tri Counties supportive counseling, referrals, information, advocacy, and programs on a wide range of issues. The main focus of our programs is personal empowerment, sexual violence interventions and women’s economic independence. We work to create social change by responding to public policy as it pertains to women’s equality. We work to unite women, community and government to achieve equality for women. We use the community development model and work with other community partners to address gaps in services for women and girls.
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Tri County Women’s Centre
We believe that women’s economic and social independence is central to women’s equality. To that end, we work with all people to achieve an equitable and equal world for women and their families. TCWC has two mandates: direct service and social change. We offer women and girls in the Tri Counties supportive counseling, referrals, information, advocacy, and programs on a wide range of issues. The main focus of our programs is personal empowerment, sexual violence interventions and women’s economic independence. We work to create social change by responding to public policy as it pertains to women’s equality. We work to unite women, community and government to achieve equality for women. We use the community development model and work with other community partners to address gaps in services for women and girls.
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Triangle Program
The Triangle Program is a high school that hosts wonderful LGBTQ2+ youth who are in need of a smaller and safer space where they can find and build community. We strive to reflect our students’ experiences in an LGBTQ2+ and social justice-focused curriculum. We offer caring and flexible supports to help our students earn their high school diploma.
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Tribunals Ontario - Tribunaux décisionnels Ontario
Tribunaux décisionnels Ontario est un groupe de 13 tribunaux décisionnels qui jouent un rôle important dans l'administration de la justice en Ontario. Chaque année, ses tribunaux décisionnels reçoivent et règlent environ 100 000 affaires et offrent un règlement de différends équitable et accessible à des milliers d'Ontariennes et d'Ontariens.
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Two Spirited People of Manitoba
The organization focuses on helping 2spirit and indigenous LGBTQQIA+ community members to improve their lives with holistic serves that value harm reduction, trauma-informed care and rooting our work in indigenous ways of being and knowing.
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